there's often amazing quotes from some of the best books and poems
and since i wish i could cover my body (though probably not permanently) in some of these, it's a bit of a release for me to see other people have the courage to do it.
i think i just have problems choosing favorites, however
i love kurt vonnegut:

i'm not generally one for quirky tattoos, but this harry potter quote is really beautiful
it's "mischief managed" in uv ink
it only glows in black light.

an author is composing her novel in the form of tatoos,
one word of each participant
i've already sent in my application

2. not always right
this is a website every retail employee should frequent so that you know you're not alone
all customers are morons.
(A woman who had gone through my line earlier that day came up to me.)
Customer: “Give me back my g****** keys!”
Me: “Excuse me?”
Customer: “My car keys! Give them back!”
Me: “I wasn’t aware that I had them. Ma’am, are your keys lost? I can get someone to help you find them if you want.”
Customer: “No! I know it was you who took them! I put them up on this little tray– *points to the tray next to the debit machine* “–and when I got home I couldn’t find them anywhere!”
Me: “When…when you got home? Ma’am, did you drive home?”
Customer: “Well, duh! What kind of idiot are you? Do you think I’m poor?” *gives a disgusted look*
Me: “No…how did you get back here, ma’am?”
Customer: “I drove here, of course!”
Me: “With your car keys?”
Customer: “Yes! Now give them back!”
Me: “Ma’am…if I had taken your car keys, would you have been able to drive home and back here?”
Customer: “No! But I know you took them!”
(I then notice the keys shining in her hand.)
Me:: “Open your hand please, ma’am?”
Customer: *upon seeing her keys in her hand* “Oh, you little witch! What did you do, ‘magic’ them back into my hand?! What kind of store lets witches work for them?!”
Me: “Ma’am, I’m not a witch…but you are a complete stereotypical blonde.”
Customer: “Oh, how dare you! I demand to speak to your manager.”
(My manager, who is a Wiccan and has been listening to this exchange for the past few minutes, comes up behind me, playing with her five-pointed star necklace.)
Manager: *in a mystical voice* “Well, hello there, earth-walker. What can I do for you?”
Customer: *sputters curse words and quickly storms out*

a website that steals from other websites to collect lists of anywhere from 10 to 100 amazing objects under a certain category, such as "30 amazing billboards" or "usb food drives" that come in sushi and cupcakes!

a website that gives you a color scheme to dress around every day, complete with an example outfit.
following the regime is nearly impossible without a huge closet, but its great for ideas

probably my favorite blog on the net, and the inspiration for my "10 things" blogs.
this girl finds everything beautiful on the internet and sorts it into blogs for my viewing pleasure
i adore her taste
6. astronomy photo of the day

it's absolutely amazing the things we can get pictures of from earth

complete with a "photo of the day" it's a website for the dying art of polaroids
dying, because polaroid has announced that they will stop manufacturing the film as of june this year

my favorite poetry journal, run by my favorite living poet, and the first journal i was ever published in

lovely lovely collections of polaroids, odds and ends, and mosaics
(una bella vita find, again)

10. man or mouse?
and hypocritically, this is the one i should be spending the most time reading.