I've decided that next semester I'm going to take less hours so I have more time to get back to the things I love (and have more money to pay for the books for said classes). Things like:
1. read for pleasure
I can't remember the last time I actually got to finish a book that wasn't assigned. Sure I start a lot, but I've also got way too many on my reading list. I just ordered five chapbooks from dancing girl press, so let's hope I can just get through one small dose of poetry at least.
2. get more involved
There are a lot of causes that I'd like to be a part of, only one being powershift. I'm still thinking about majoring in environmental science; it seems to be the only thing that gets me motivated, in the career field at least.
3. dress victorian
When we watched REPO! Genetic Opera the other day I was absolutely in love with some of the victorian fusion fashion. I mean, it's not my ideal, but its still gorgeous. Even Paris Hilton can be pretty victorian.
We're going backwards in fashion every few years to mimic what we've already done. I have no problem with that, I think it puts a new spin on things. I just wonder how long I'll have to wait until lace gloves come back in style. And I'm terribly jealous of the people who get to have their annual victorian tea party in Germany.

4. model
Less than two years ago, it was all I wanted to do. I even thought I could pull it off until Tyra Banks told me I couldn't model unless I was 5'7" and crushed my heart (along with I'm sure thousands others). But I've been talking to a friend of mine and I'd like to try again. Who knows where it could go.
5. photography
speaking of modeling, I'd like to get back
behind the camera as well. Not only do I miss it, but I have a really expensive camera that I never use, and that's eating away at my central guilt nerve. I practically live life finding pictures to take in everything I see and feel (and sometimes things I can't even express in still frame) and I never do. Part of that is because I'm both proud and shy, and that is a lethal combination.
6. poetry
For Christ's sake, I'm a poetry major. But it seems like unless I have a class, and an assignment telling me what to write every two days I can't think of a damn thing. Part of me wants someone to just do that for me now, the other part says I should get some willpower and write my damn self.
New Years Resolution ( same as the last two):
finish and publish a chapbook.
7. dance

I was with a bunch of thespians last night, and surprisingly, I wasn't terrified out of my mind. Well, ok sometimes I was terrified, but mostly I was just having fun. As much fun as a bystander can have. See, I was in band, not theater. I always thought maybe I'd like theater, but I hated all the kids in it, so that didn't seem like a good plan (much to my chagrin, I'm now dating a former thespian). I don't think acting was every really what I wanted to do, but I did love to dance and sing.
And hell, I love learning choreography for music I wouldn't be caught dead listening to on a regular basis. I love everything from formal ballet to tap and jazz. I probably could have hacked musical theater (if it wasn't for the theater).
Either way, Anthony is taking me to Pranah.
8. orchestra
speaking of me being in band, I'm not anymore. The only reason I'm not is that I can't find a decent community band or orchestra around here that doesn't meet on a day I have class, or two hours from my house. And that sucks, because I've been playing for fifteen years, and I don't just want to give it up. I miss my flute, and my bassoon.
And I was real damn good too.
9/10: draw and paint
The sheer amount of energy and materials involved in visual arts is the reason these are two numbers, if not just because they're two different mediums.
I just bought drawing pencils yesterday, with the fancy rubber kneading erasers. I think we've come full circle of everything I lost after high school. That was where I learned that I could actually create something decent with paint and pencils. I won awards, I made the flyers for the main art show. I had a blast.
And now I never do it anymore.
Not that I can take the classes, they're absolutely ridiculous, and the supplies are unnecessarily expensive. I'll have to find my own outlet to create in. Along with everything else I now have to fit into my already overworked schedule.